With versatile know-how in the background, Van Vloten’s personal quest for Marianne von Werefkin reads like a novel but is step by step justified and comprehensively annotated. It enters new paths for the interpretation of von Werefkin’s life and work and surprises with hitherto unknown material about her ‘Dutch Connections’, revealing new data about some of her works.
Extensively annotated, with an English version of von Werefkin’s only lecture on her work from 1913-1914 added, relevant sources and publications, an index and photo & special credits.
In English with a German translation of the body text.
Auf Englisch, mit deutscher Übersetzung des Haupttextes.
No. 2 in the ICEAC Book Series, 168 p., richly illustrated,
ISBN 978-90- 83435-40-4
24,95 Euro
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